Friday, April 2, 2010

The Packed Ride Back

My visit to relatives in DC has ended. I begin my ride back up to Massachusetts at 6am.I had such a nice visit. Friday was relaxing and fun. First we went out for lunch at one of Grandma and Penny's favorite places, a middle eastern restaurant called "Charcoal Kebab". This did not strike me as a great name. However, the food was great. It was a taste of what I'll be eating less than a week from now.After lunch, we ran a couple of errands and then returned home. I said goodbye to Lucy. Afterword, Penny, and I took the dog for a walk in the woods. We had a thought-filled discussion about a book she is planning to write.We saw people riding horses and also we saw tadpoles.
Earlier in the day, Penny and I flipped through some photos she took of me with siblings and cousins. Classy? I'd like to think so.In the evening after a discussion about movies, We all sat down to watch Crazy Heart because Penny is a huge fan of Jeff Bridges. The movie was a bit slow, but also beautiful at times. The plot wasn't predictable and the soundtrack was relaxing.

Now I'm ready for packed ride back to Massachusetts. In one day I am going to visit dear relatives Max and Ruth in New York City, followed by a visit to Aunt Jeanette and Cousin Katie in New York State. Then I will drive to Boston. However, I am hoping to see a couple friends in Connecticut and Rhode Island along the way. In Boston, I will spend the evening unwinding from all the driving by visiting with a handful of friends and enjoying a viola recital. I really cannot wait.

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