Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Why go to İstanbul

I absolutely love that someone stumbled upon this blog the other day after searching the keywords, "why go to Istanbul". (I'll note here that I also love the embeddable StatCounter utility). Well, the reasons are simple.

1. The city has everything. Europe, Asia, hills, sea, nice weather, packed city blocks, open seaside parks, amazing food, crazy football fans, nightlife, daylife, night, day, life.

2. Art, history, art history. There are castles, museums, and ancient structures everywhere. If you're into that kind of thing, or even if you're not, the city's art and age can be quite enchanting.

3. Diversity, culture, proximity to the rest of the world, and...

4. I'll be there! Come visit.
Above is a map of the districts of İstanbul. I've been studying it lately. Putting it here will allow me to find it easily when I need it. Why go to İstanbul? All those places! Oh there must be a map around here somewhere.


nunni said...

Where are you going to be in Istanbul? are you going to rent an apartment or what?

Unknown said...

I'll likely be in Kadıköy. I will rent an apartment with a friend there. However I hope to spend a lot of time on the European side as I have a few close friends there. Also there is Levent, Taksim, Aslantepe :) Well, I hope I can see all of İstanbul. What about you? When will you be there next?