Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I usually break long periods of silence with a piece of news. That news will arrive soon enough.

I have been living in a bit of a reprieve lately. On principle, I object to life slowing down at my age. This is when I need to make every year another chapter of awesomeness. When I am/feel old, then I will begin to slow down and think back on all that happened. Of course, I wont just think about all those things. I will read about them from here and elsewhere. I will tell these stories to younger, wide-eyed folk. I will try to remember exactly how I felt at this time, and I will wish I could tell my past-self many things. That being impossible, I will take this opportunity to do the next best thing and tell my future-self something.

Hi Jeremy (already I'm assuming you haven't changed your name),

First of all, I'm sorry that I haven't provided any good stories for the last 6 months. I have had a lot of time to reflect and not knowing what could have been, I have adopted the attitude that everything happens for a reason and that while nothing great happened, neither did anything bad. I am choosing to believe that I will one day be thankful for the things I have learned of late. That having been said, I would like to inform you that my life will be changing rapidly very soon. I'm sure you're sharing a knowing chuckle with me now.

I'm trying to live our life as though I already lived it and yet got to go back and make it more awesome. I still make mistakes, but I am learning from them. The lessons of late:

1. Pursue the more exciting version of the future.
2. Don't invest much more in someone than they invest in me.
3. Get a couple of hobbies to consume my free time.
4. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
5. Throw things out, give things away.
6. In some cases I deserve better.

Some of these I learned the hard way, others I just trust to be the way to go. I would rather this life be a glorious and adventurous story of cunning, care, wisdom, humor and love and not simply the accumulation of hard-learned lessons. I really hate those.

I wish us both the best. Now there's something only I can do at this point. Hayırlısı.

1 comment:

Marisela Chapman said...

re: ''i still make mistakes, but...''

Mistakes are just part of the program for getting progressively less stupid. No shame in that, kiddo; keep making them, whatever they are.

And viva la adventure!! I'm excited for you, and I can't wait to visit you in your new country...