Thursday, May 6, 2010

Hıdırellez 2010

Met up with Pınar and a new friend, Müge, at Hıdrellez 2010 in the seaside Ahırkapı Park. Hıdrellez is a kind of gypsy festival with music, dancing and fireworks. Also there is a tradition of people writing their wishes on paper and tying them to trees with colorful ribbon.There was food and beer everywhere. Apparently buying 3 beers at once got you a tambourine, and so the three of walked all over the park passing the instrument around and joining in roaming dance circles.
All ages were well represented at the event. Super old people, families, young folk, groups of children and even babies in strollers could be seen everywhere. I gave our tambourine to a little boy and his sister who were standing near us. We talked with the mom for a little while. She was very friendly. I had my picture taken with them.
We prepared our wishes. Mine was simple but deeply felt.
At nightfall, we tied the wishes to a tree.
Exhausted, the three of us rode a boat that took us from the park and crossed the Bosphorus. I got back to my apartment at around midnight:30. As I walked from Kadıköy through the night streets, I contemplated my situation here. Sometimes it really seems strange. I had a conversation in my head with the Jeremy from 5 years earlier. He was surprised and amazed.

1 comment:

Rachel Ross said...

Sorry it's only me here. Love the pictures anyway. Beautiful place as always, but not really "home". I had a dream that everyone (my kiddos) showed up at my house. I even heard my brother speaking and when I saw him he looked as young as 16, fibrant and with a big smile. It made me smile. He was there too. Perhaps, my most loved; my four and my brother. Not that others are not loved. All of you have such a deep place in my heart. I can only wish for your happiness, yet we have only broken trees around here. loveyou- mom