Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Asım in Eurasia

This story starts with a welcome home. Pınar was the first to welcome me as I had been standing there in the airport, feeling excited as ever to be in İstanbul again but frustrated at not being able to just run out of the airport. I probably felt a bit like Boris (the dog) when he is about to go for a walk but has to wait in the car. Anyway, the wait was not long. The reunification of me with Pınar and her mother was joyous. However, the airport was not the most exciting place to hang out, so we walked to the car.

The sunny, 65°F weather was next to welcome me. Even as I write this the next day, the weather is so sunny and warm and I can hardly believe I am sitting here, indoors. However, I can only brag about the weather for so long. In less than a week I will go to Copenhagen where I hear the weather is generally miserable this time of year. So just let me enjoy it while I can.

When I took my things up to "my room", there was a big sign on the door that read 'Hoşgeldin Asım' (Welcome Asım). That evening I sat down at the dinner table with Pınar, her parents, and their helper Nadiş. I don't need to tell you how good Turkish food is or how much I missed it. I don't need to tell you that the rest of the evening was lovely. I shouldn't have to tell you about how I stayed up late with Pınar's dad while he told me all about cardiology and his research. And you could probably go without knowing that I slept like a baby and felt great the next day.

It is good to be back. You might wonder if I find it less exciting this time or something. Actually there are things about this time that make it better. For one, I know a bit more Turkish and I have been speaking more (or trying to). The weather is much much nicer. I have no surprises planned this time or crazy travel plans. It is just this week here. There was a thought that the infamous B might come to İstanbul for a visit this weekend, but it is not looking likely at this point. Anyway there is plenty to do. Plenty to think about. Denmark is looming. That is going to be interesting. I am excited about going there and everything, but damn. It is so nice here.


Marisela said...

Yay! Return of Asim adventures! Just don't you dare forget the Hagia Sophia this time. For me, please!

Yohini said...

Enjoy yourself... But do keep us posted!
