Sunday, July 24, 2011

I'm at it again

I took a photo of the balloon and Besiktas/Kabatas dock in Kadikoy the night before leaving Istanbul. I'm at it again.
Istanbul is a wonderful city. But it's huge and it's crowded and I needed a break.

I'm in Ankara now and it's been a wonderful couple of days, meeting students and others my age out to enjoy a summer weekend in what is typically referred to as Turkey's most boring major city. Can't say that I'm bored. There's no sea, but there is a swimming pool! Friends and warm weather are all I need for a good time right now.

Speaking of which, I was in the Tunus area of south-easternish Ankara last night, hanging with my friend, my friend's friends and my friend's friends' friends. We had a great time.
 Not sure where all the guys ran off to suddenly.

The locations of the bars we visited were in an area very close to where I conducted a surprise-visit to an old friend, the first time I came to Turkey. Nostalgia would have been an appropriate sentiment, but it seemed too long ago for that.

So what exactly am I at again? I'm headed to the exciting parts of Turkey. It is the 3rd time I have done this and this time my backpack is lighter than ever. This time I have a friend with me and a few scheduled destinations. This time, I know a lot more Turkish and I'm feeling a lot more bold. I'll fill you in as the trip continues.  

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