Saturday, September 18, 2010


 Since Hyde's departure, I have been posting much less often (for lack of anyone to compete with!). However, the adventures have been continuing. This weekend was my first break since starting a long week at my new job. I teach English to little kids. Anyway, Sonia and I decided to take a relaxing trip to another of the Prince Islands of İstanbul. We decided on Kınalıada since it is small. We found the place to be absolutely wonderful.

The weather was perfect, as was the swimming and the sunset.

Sonia and I talked about many things. For one, she taught me a handful of Slovak words including ostrov (island), more (sea), and lod' (ship). We also talked about Hyde. The biggest things I miss most about having Hyde around: his blue hair, his antics, his photos, his perspective on life here. Lastly, we often talk about Misa, my sister, who introduced us. It seems she thought we'd become fast friends and right she was. How did she know? Then again, if anyone else knew the two of us, I'm sure they'd have seen it too.


GuamGuy said...

It does my heart good to see you enjoying your adventure so much. Hello to Sonia.

If I were still young at heart I would move to a tropical island and marry an exotic Asian woman...

Oh, wait, I did!


Unknown said...

...and cheers to that! Are you writing about your adventures somewhere? I see the posts on Facebook. Love the photos of Mika. I hope our adventures intersect again soon :)


Ata Dizdar said...

I have a feeling you two hooked up. ;)

How's the new job?